Thursday, March 6, 2008

sound, i mean blogcheck

test 123.

so this is supposedly an annex to my friendster blog home, the once-frowned-upon-for-being-anti-fraternity but is really just a page filled with blabbanonsense, not to mention incessant ramblings. (you get my point)...

and the result of my envy for kim's sudden liking slash plugging blogspot. . .

and yes, a confirmation of my sinister *inserts evil smiley* desire to go international with my contemporary way of whining.

just you wait and see.

test complete. . .

world, meet kricket and her distorted philosophies.


foodums said...

yeah!! thanks for the special mention.. hehe looking forward to reading more of your stuff..

BoyKidlat said...

twisted!kewl me up.ill link u up as well. :p

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